Your Insurance Expertise Is Only As Valuable As Your Clients Say It Is

While most insurance firms assume they understand their clients, market leaders have the proof. Use rich, unbiased feedback to adapt to client needs, strengthen your reputation, and earn more referrals for your firm, with ClearlyRated.

Trusted by leading Insurance Firms


Hidden Expertise and Silent Losses Hold Back Most Insurance Firms from Leading the Market

Google Shows Your Competitors First

While other insurance firms dominate local search with client proof, your expertise in risk management, claims handling and advisory services stays hidden from potential clients.

Claims of Great Service Aren't Enough

Everyone claims excellent policy service. Market leaders prove it with real feedback across critical moments - from claims resolution to risk advisory. Their proof shows up first when prospects are searching.

Silent Dissatisfaction Costs More

By the time a client switches carriers, it's too late. Without systematic feedback, small service gaps become major client losses. Prevention beats damage control.

case studies

Discover how annual NPS® Survey with ClearlyRated drives continuous growth at Woodruff Sawyer

View all case studies

the solution

Turn Client Feedback Into Business Growth with ClearlyRated

Learn exactly what each client needs, proactively flag escalations, and use in-depth insights to offer targeted additional services to the right clients at the right time.

Know Exactly Where 
You Stand

Real-time visibility into client sentiment via thoughtfully crafted NPS surveys. Increase your customer feedback volume and get structured, industry-specific consultation that shows you exactly what drives client loyalty and where you need to adapt.

Prevent Issues, Grow Relationships

Shift from reactive to proactive with comprehensive survey report analysis. With our consultative approach, you’ll uncover opportunities early, strengthen key relationships, and turn satisfied clients into enthusiastic advocates for your firm.

Build Trust Through Proof

Turn feedback into a tangible proof of credibility and ultimately rank higher on Google search. Stand out in a crowded market with awards, verified reviews, testimonials, and clear evidence of service excellence that Google loves.


Get your Badge of Trust that Sets Standards

Showcase your firm's exceptional service with the industry's most credible recognition – the Best of Insurance award. Turn those client satisfaction moments into a powerful credential that sets your insurance firm apart.

Learn More About the Program


Leading Insurance Firm leaders trust ClearlyRated

Take pride in your service with CX surveys

"Very useful data that provides better insight into our business and customers. Third party leadership and professionalism in this field adds much credibility to the results."

Aaron Lesher
Co-Founder | Essential StaffCARE

Why Leading 
Insurance Firms Choose ClearlyRated

5+ years in this industry

Pioneering customer experience management for B2B service firms since 2003. Setting the standard for service excellence measurement.

Recognized Excellence Program

Awards that position winners as market leaders. Tangible proof of service quality that clients trust.

Industry-Specific Benchmarking

Get a comprehensive performance analysis of top insurance firms and use specific benchmarking data to offer specialized services that set you apart.

  • Purpose-built NPS platform for insurance firms
  • Dedicated success manager guiding your growth
  • Expert consultation at every step

Turn Your Claimants into Brand Advocates

See how leading insurance firms use ClearlyRated to drive referrals and predictable growth.