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5 min read

The Complete Online Reputation Playbook

Online Reputation

Your firm's online reputation significantly impacts its growth, influencing its ability to attract new clients and even enhance its internal employee staffing efforts by attracting highly skilled professionals.

Looking to ensure your firm has the stellar online reputation it needs for success? This comprehensive playbook provides a step-by-step guide to help you achieve just that.

Here's what you'll discover inside:

  • How to effectively manage your brand's online presence by leveraging rating sites.
  • How to establish a streamlined process for promptly responding to all reviews.
  • How to request online reviews from your clients.  
  • Why invest time and effort into enhancing your client experience?

Get your hands on this essential resource today and take control of your firm's online presence!

Get your copy today!

A world-class experience awaits

Get the recognition you deserve and grow your business with ClearlyRated.

5 min read

Webinar - Staffing Trendspotting 2024:
From AI to Z

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Join Eric Gregg, CEO of ClearlyRated and Leslie Vickrey, CEO of ClearEdge for an insightful webinar on the latest trends shaping the staffing industry in 2024.

We’ll delve into the wide range of factors influencing staffing buyers and candidates, including AI advancements, mental health considerations, the impact of remote work, generational dynamics, opportunity gaps, and more.

What you’ll learn

  • Client and candidate concerns about AI and its perceived impact on the level of personalized service they can expect from their staffing firms
  • The weight of mental health considerations in the workplace and how it affects candidate choices
  • What’s desired vs. reality when it comes to remote work arrangements and schedule flexibility, and the implications for recruitment and retention
  • Generational and opportunity gaps and how the staffing industry can enhance inclusivity and foster multigenerational collaboration
5 min read

Best Staffing Firms for Women 2024 Winners


ClearlyRated is thrilled to announce the trailblazing staffing firms that have earned inclusion on the 2024 Best Staffing Firms for Women list. Join us in celebrating the staffing and recruiting firms that have gone above and beyond to cultivate a workplace culture that champions gender equality, professional growth, and opportunities for women!

2024 Best Staffing Firms for Women

How Firms Earn Inclusion on the List

Staffing and recruiting firms that conducted internal employee surveys with ClearlyRated are eligible to earn the Best of Staffing® award in the Employee Satisfaction category. Within this category, firms that included identity-based demographic survey questions and met the following criteria related to female employee Net Promoter® Score (eNPS) and representation earned the prestigious designation as a member of the Best Staffing Firms for Women list:

  • SIZE: A minimum of 15 employee survey responses, and at least 47% of the responses from employees who identify as Female
  • SATISFACTION: Net Promoter® Score (NPS®) of 50% or above for those who identify as Female
  • REPRESENTATION: Females representation above U.S. workforce (at least 47% of staff who identify as Female)
  • OPPORTUNITY: Females represent at least 47% of total leadership roles (Branch Manager and above)
  • EQUITY: There is no significant gap in satisfaction (less than 5 percentage points) between male and female employees at the firm.

The Benefits of Earning the BSFW Designation

Fewer than 0.2% of staffing firms in the United States and Canada qualified to earn the Best Staffing Firms for Women designation, making this a prestigious recognition for staffing firms seeking to hire and retain top internal talent. Some additional benefits:

  • Positive PR exposure via inclusion on the published list, which ClearlyRated will promote via a press release to the North American newswire
  • Increased traffic to your ClearlyRated profile page via links in the published list, which drives more lead generation opportunity and visits to your website
  • Additional opportunities to highlight and celebrate your Best of Staffing Employee win and BSFW list inclusion with your employees internally and with recruits externally

Think your firm does an exceptional job of supporting and championing its female employees? If you’d like to see your firm on the 2025 Best Staffing Firms for Women list, complete this registration form now to get started!

5 min read

The Evolution of Client Experience in Staffing

Industry Benchmarks
Net Promoter® Score

In light of decreasing trust in various institutions over the years, the focus on client experience (CX) is growing significantly. In our recent webinar, The Evolution of CX, we shed light on this trend in the context of the staffing industry, with implications that reach far beyond.

Client Experience as the Heart of Decision-Making

The current era reveals an interesting pattern – trust in establishments, from organized religion to business entities and governments, is diminishing. This trend, which Gallup's 2023 Confidence in Institutionssurvey confirms, presents an unparalleled challenge to all sectors, including the staffing industry. To overcome this, companies must meet the challenge of delivering on their promises and fostering client trust.Evidence-based research adds more weight to this argument. A study by PwC revealed that a whopping 86% of clients choose a professional service firm based on the quality of customer experience. Beyond that, the urgency of response times has escalated, with our most recent staffing industry benchmark study, conducted in partnership with ClearEdge, revealing that 98% of clients expect a response to their call or email within 24 hours, and close to two-thirds expect a response within four hours.

Bar chart in black and red showing the point when consumer stops interacting with a company

Negative experiences can prompt clients to switch service firms, reducing their likelihood to recommend the brand and impacting the company's bottom line. A remarkable statistic from Forrester suggests that 67% of clients have switched professional service firms due to poor customer experience. Additionally, about half of clients report having a negative customer experience with a professional service firm in the past year. However, on a positive note, almost 73% of clients are ready and willing to pay more for a better customer experience.

The Evolution of CX: From Insights to Action

In response to these evolving client expectations, the staffing industry has progressively adopted client experience management as a strategic defense against commoditization. This approach demands adaptability, innovation, and preparedness for continuous evolution.Many firms are expanding their CX programs, emphasizing client, candidate, and employee experiences. Each interaction shapes the client's overall experience and influences their perception of your brand.We are currently seeing a transition from mere measurement of CX to action based on insights. Simultaneously, the practice of feedback collection is evolving from a static calendar-based operation to a more dynamic, journey-based approach.Looking ahead, CX is poised to move towards a customer health program, where anticipating customer’s needs is as important as receiving their feedback. The aim is to track customer sentiment in real time, requiring adjustments in approach and a client-centric business model.


This shift towards a comprehensive and anticipatory customer experience approach could be the solution to reestablishing trust, ensuring business success, and most importantly, creating improved experiences for everyone. The future of the staffing industry rests on the continuous optimization of stakeholder (client, candidate and internal employee) experiences.*Watch a quick 30-minute webinar “The Evolution of CX: What’s Now and What’s Next”, presented by Eric Gregg, ClearlyRated CEO & Founder.

5 min read

Why Customer Experience is Crucial for IT Service Providers

Client Experience

Given today's digital landscape, a great customer experience (CX) has become so vital for IT Service providers that it's virtually a make-or-break requirement. By being committed to managing CX effectively, these firms can steer a strategic path towards success, trust, credibility, and growth.

The Stakes Are High

The game of delivering impeccable IT services is rapidly changing. The customer experience (CX) used to be a "nice to have”, but it's shifted to a mission-critical component of the whole operations landscape. Ensuring that a strategic roadmap includes CX at its core isn't a matter of choice for IT firms – it's an absolute necessity.

Amplifying Your CX and Reaping the Rewards

Bringing this to life looks like fully tuning into CX management — and it means making certain that you're excellent at capturing customer experience successes at every possible interaction. This includes crafting useful content, managing feedback, and, most importantly, infusing customer insights into operations.Facing up to the complexity of total CX management might feel like a tall order, but its value far outweighs the challenge. A standout CX equates to building customer loyalty and garnering positive referrals. And remember, while 16% of customers might not tell you about their service issue, 74% will complain about it to others.

A Customer Service Experience report by Gartner confirms that enhancing service experiences drives retention and growth. In fact, 86% of customers are likely to spend more money after receiving value-enhanced services, and a striking 97% will share their experience.

Why Should Your Firm Invest in CX in 2024?

  • Trust and Credibility | Browsing the internet has become second nature to most clients. With an impressive and well-curated online presence, your firm sends a message of professionalism and reliability that helps build a strong trust foundation with potential clients.
  • Competitive Edge | In a highly competitive landscape, a robust online reputation, symbolizing quality service and positive customer experiences, can set your firm apart from others. It ensures you're the first one clients think of when they require the services you offer.
  • Business Growth | An impressive online presence, coupled with rave reviews and positive testimonials, attracts more prospects leading to business expansion.
  • Recurring Business | Having an excellent customer experience isn't just about flashy marketing efforts. It's about living up to the promises you make to your clients. When you consistently deliver remarkable service, they'll become loyal customers, ensuring a consistent stream of business.

Key Strategies to Enhance CX

  • Understand and Set Goals with Customers | Every customer comes with unique needs and expectations. It’s important for your IT firm to not only listen and understand but also to tailor your services accordingly. Treat each customer as a partner with shared goals to build a long-lasting business relationship.
  • Prioritize Security and Privacy | Given the rising concerns of data breaches, it's crucial to assure clients that their information is safe with you. Display your compliance with international security standards such as GDPR or HIPAA prominently.
  • Offer Self-Service and Automation | As technology evolves, the act of empowering customers to resolve their common problems has become more accessible. By offering self-service options like FAQs, automated responses and chatbots, you not only provide instant solutions but also help in reducing the workload of your customer service team.
  • Provide Proactive Education and Support | Educating your customers about how to make the most out of your solutions and services you offer, proves valuable. Regularly update your customers about new features, common issues and how to resolve them.

Why is NPS Uniquely Useful?

The Net Promoter Score® (NPS) is a great gauge of a company’s CX efforts. The NPS was at an all-time high for the IT Services industry in 2022 since ClearlyRated first measured industry satisfaction in 2011. For reference as you review the numbers, keep in mind that leading B2C companies including Starbucks and USAA, have a 77% and a 75% NPS, respectively. Although the IT industry’s NPS isn’t as strong as its B2C cousins, it has still dramatically increased since ClearlyRated first started measuring NPS in 2011.

  • 2023 IT Services NPS benchmark = 42%
  • -2 points YOY
  • +4 since 2020
  • +39 since its low in 2011

|Look into Insights on 2023 Rankings | NPS® Benchmarks for the IT Services Industry

Building on Solid CX Foundations

For IT service providers to ensure they stay on the ball, they need to boot out the manual mode and bring on proactive CX management. This shift includes using customer insights to gain an online reputation, drive new business, transition from detecting and evaluating customer experience issues, and begin refining the CX from the ground up.

CX Maturity

Managing CX effectively means understanding customer buying behavior, a factor that has grown in importance given that 73% of customers now consider CX as the ultimate decision-maker according to PwC. It involves evolving from rigid, annual surveys to continuous, real-time feedback. This evolving approach enables action in the now and allows for predicting future customer needs, ensuring satisfied customers and ongoing business. Migrating to a customer-focused management style is more than worth the effort – it's a real game-changer.Watch our On Demand webinar - Inside the Data: Highlights from our latest IT Services Industry Benchmark Study

5 min read

Sagging Survey Response Rates (+ How to Overcome Them)

Response Rate

When it comes to getting ROI on your customer experience (CX) survey program, response rates play a huge role. Higher response rates paint a fuller picture of your CX. This helps you identify where to improve and, when the feedback is positive, can garner reviews that boost your marketing efforts. Survey programs with high response rates are also more likely to help you identify and re-engage customer accounts that would otherwise be at risk if you hadn’t asked for their feedback. The bad news? Obtaining good response rates is getting harder.

ClearlyRated Maintains Stable Survey Response Rates Amid Industry Decline

Publicly available data shows that the average response rate for CX programs has been dropping. The above chart illustrates this trend with data shared by three large survey companies including ClearlyRated – the only company showing a slight increase from 2018 to 2022. B2B survey companies aren’t alone, though. Survey response rates are dropping across industries, affecting public opinion studies and B2C survey programs alike. Why are they dropping? We don’t have a surefire answer, but we have some educated ideas.

Why Are Response Rates Going Down?

Looking at wider email trends, often a main avenue for soliciting survey responses, it’s easy to see that breaking through the crowd is getting more difficult. In 2022, 333.2 billion emails were sent and received each day, displaying a year-over-year (YOY) increase of 4.2%. So far in 2023, an average of 347.3 billion emails are sent daily – a YOY increase of 4.2% – and the numbers are projected to continue growing as you can see in the chart below.

Total Email Sends Continuously Increasing

[caption id="attachment_7294" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

Total Email Sends Line Chart

THE RADICATI GROUP, INC.[/caption]Of course, this increase is partially due to the uptick in worldwide email users, but the amount of increased emails sent per user has increased significantly in the last decade. The fact is: The average email user is getting more emails per day every year. And the number of emails sent is inversely related to average response rates. As one number goes up, the other goes down. Email fatigue is real, and many users turn to mass deletions to keep their inboxes under control. This means many email subject lines never get seen, let alone their emails opened and read. We at ClearlyRated, however, have considered another potential culprit for low response rates: Lack of follow up from surveyors. We work closely with our clients to help them run survey programs that include follow up plans – both during and after survey periods – and we’ve seen short-term and long-term increases in their response rates that boost ROI. So, what can you do with this information to help your organization break ahead of the pack when it comes to response rates?

How to Improve Your Survey Response Rates and Get Better ROI from Your Survey Program

Okay, so now you realize that you’re not alone if you’ve seen lower response rates in your own efforts. Response rates are down across industries. But you don’t have to accept this as your fate. Armed with this information, you can adjust expectations within your organization while also doing everything in your power to keep your response rates as high as possible.As you can see from the first chart in this blog post, ClearlyRated survey programs enjoy higher response rates than the industry average. We like to think that’s because we’ve identified best practices and care enough to guide our clients in following them. While there’s no silver bullet, here are three ways to boost survey program response rates.

1. Carefully curate your contact list.

The biggest problem we see related to low response rate is that companies pull every email address for every single point of contact they’ve worked with. While they may figure that more email addresses increases their chances for more responses, this practice often negatively affects response rates. That’s because companies that do this end up including client contacts who haven’t worked with them for years, not to mention people who never actually interacted with their services—like someone from accounting who simply paid the bills. So, if you’re facing a low response rate, the first thing you should check is your data set and the criteria you use to create it. Pull a fresh list, strip it of duplicates and generic email addresses, and then go a step further. Send it to your employees that work directly with your clients to ask them for verification. If possible, integrate your survey tool with your CRM so you’ll be more likely to start with cleaner data. ClearlyRated, for instance, integrates with Bullhorn and Salesforce, with more CRM and ATS integrations, including niche systems, in the works.

2. Educate clients pre-survey and actively engage them during the survey period.

Give your client base a heads up before your survey launch, so they can begin thinking about what they’d like to share and can keep an eye out for their survey invitations. You can do this via mass communication channels and by asking employees in the field to touch base personally—especially for key accounts. After your survey has launched, watch the response data. Get a list of who hasn’t responded and try to figure out why. Many of our clients have had success by encouraging client-facing employees to check in and ask for survey responses. To help focus your efforts, consider prioritizing your non-response list using financial data. These efforts can encourage an immediate boost in your response rates. A note when it comes to poor feedback: Don’t sit on it. Act immediately. The ClearlyRated platform, for example, includes a feature for instant sharing to get feedback to the right internal contacts for service recovery.

3. Share results post survey.

Once your survey has closed, go through your data. Identify trends and delve deeply into the comments. Focus on quality and depth of feedback. Learn from it, make positive changes, and then engage your client base by sharing these insights and the actions you’ll take to do better. Use the 2-1-1 formula for client survey follow up: Share two things you’ve learned you’re doing well, one area you found you can improve, and one action you’re taking to make progress on it. Closing the feedback loop by reporting back to your clients can help increase your response rate over time. When you follow up, it teaches clients that you truly value their feedback and that they can help improve their experience by responding to your surveys. Those who responded will be glad they did and will continue to in the future, while those who didn't are more likely to answer the next survey. Not only are your program’s response rates likely to increase over time, but client engagement and retention will too. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even buck industry trends and watch your response rates steadily climb.When you work with an expert provider, they should build these best practices and more into their process, helping their clients achieve higher response rates and more satisfaction data to take action on.

Industry Benchmark
5 min read

2023 NPS® Benchmarks for the B2B Services Industry

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B2B service providers place significant reliance on client satisfaction and service quality to both retain their clientele and stand out in a competitive landscape. Particularly during economic downturns and industry challenges, the significance of service quality and client satisfaction becomes even more pronounced in determining business success. This partially explains the widespread prioritization of customer experience (CX) by business leaders across various sectors in 2023.To gain a comprehensive understanding of your service's performance year after year, it is imperative to employ a feedback tool that not only collects valuable insights but also simplifies tracking. Moreover, you need a metric that facilitates straightforward comparison with your competitors' performance. This is where the Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) comes into play—a metric that gauges service quality and customer satisfaction. It stands as a leading indicator of revenue retention, growth prospects, and brand distinctiveness.

What is NPS?

Your NPS starts with a single survey question that asks clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to a friend or colleague. The most forward-thinking firms are also asking their employees, hoping to boost their employee experience (EX) too. Responses land on a scale of 0–10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not at all likely. From there, people have the option to offer more specific feedback.To calculate NPS, we subtract the % of detractors (those who respond with a 6 or lower) from the % of promoters (those who respond with 9 or 10).

Why is NPS Uniquely Useful?

NPS offers a standardized measurement to track and report on client satisfaction and service quality—one that can be applied across every level, from the industry as a whole to the brand-level. Each company can also drill down within their organization, including by lines of business, department or account manager. This means that you can compare your firm to others while also pinpointing the shining stars and any areas to improve within your organization. Learn more about how NPS can help drive business growth.

B2B Services NPS in 2023

ClearlyRated’s Annual Survey Benchmark Study includes an industry focus on General B2B Services NPS. In 2023, the B2B Services industry reported an NPS score of 39%, a decrease of 1 point from 2022 but an increase of 14 points since 2020. Many drivers of client satisfaction, such as thoroughly understanding client needs and taking a proactive approach to service, are also at record highs in the industry.

B2B Services Satisfaction – measured as NPS
B2B NPS Benchmark 2023 Bar Graph

Insights on 2023 Ratings

Although the B2B Services industry decreased their NPS in 2023, it is still one of the highest NPSs this industry has seen since 2018. For reference those wider NPS standards only classify organizations as excellent once they’ve earned a 50% NPS. A 70% NPS would classify them as world-class. What does it look like to have a 70%+ NPS? Consider Starbucks and USAA, recognizable service leaders with an NPS of 77% and 75%, respectively. Then compare them to Comcast, a notorious service laggard, whose clients give them a -25% NPS. As firms achieve better service levels, clients’ expectations will rightfully get higher, meaning any firms that don’t keep up are likely to flounder. Click here to learn more about the NPS methodology.This presents a major opportunity for the B2B services industry that capitalizes on their NPS momentum (with the exception of their minor decrease the last couple years), continuing to improve their customer satisfaction and service. Firms that manage to deliver an outstanding CX and earn a high NPS as a result will more easily outshine their competition. Get tips on how to improve your CX based on customer feedback.

How does your service stack up?

The extent to which your firm feels the effects of a slowing economy may depend on the quality of your CX. An NPS survey program can help you measure, track and improve both.If you’re not already leveraging NPS at your firm, we hope you consider this article a call-to-action. Not only do client satisfaction and service quality represent opportunities to differentiate in an increasingly commodified service industry, they are fuel for firm growth. Remember the adage: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure” – and you certainly won’t be able to improve it either. Up against a reluctant firm culture? Get some tips on how to overcome common objections to survey programs to help build buy-in and get started.

Next steps

  • Ready to get started with NPS? Contact the ClearlyRated team for insights, best practices, and a tour of our survey platform (designed specifically to support professional services firms).
Industry Benchmark
5 min read

2023 NPS® Benchmarks for the IT Services Industry

Industry Benchmarks
Net Promoter® Score

Read on for the latest NPS® benchmarks for the IT Services industry. IT service providers, much like other B2B service firms, place significant reliance on client satisfaction and service quality to both retain their clientele and stand out in a competitive landscape. Particularly during economic downturns and industry challenges, the significance of service quality and client satisfaction becomes even more pronounced in determining business success. This partially explains the widespread prioritization of customer experience (CX) by business leaders across various sectors in 2023.To gain a comprehensive understanding of your service's performance year after year, it is imperative to employ a feedback tool that not only collects valuable insights but also simplifies tracking. Moreover, you need a metric that facilitates straightforward comparison with your competitors' performance. This is where the Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) comes into play—a metric that gauges service quality and customer satisfaction. It stands as a leading indicator of revenue retention, growth prospects, and brand distinctiveness.

What is NPS?

Your NPS starts with a single survey question that asks clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to a friend or colleague. The most forward-thinking firms are also asking their employees, hoping to boost their employee experience (EX) too. Responses land on a scale of 0–10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not at all likely. From there, people have the option to offer more specific feedback.To calculate NPS, we subtract the % of detractors (those who respond with a 6 or lower) from the % of promoters (those who respond with 9 or 10).

Why is NPS Uniquely Useful?

NPS offers a standardized measurement to track and report on client satisfaction and service quality—one that can be applied across every level, from the industry as a whole to the brand-level. Each company can also drill down within their organization, including by lines of business, department or account manager. This means that you can compare your firm to others while also pinpointing the shining stars and any areas to improve within your organization. Learn more about how NPS can help drive business growth.

IT Services NPS in 2023

ClearlyRated’s Annual Survey Benchmark Study includes an industry focus on IT Services NPS. In 2023, the IT Services industry reported an NPS score of 42%, a decrease of 2 points from 2022 but the same NPS as 2021. The NPS was at an all-time high for the IT Services industry in 2022 since ClearlyRated first measured industry satisfaction in 2011. Many drivers of IT Services client satisfaction, such as thoroughly understanding client needs and taking a proactive approach to service, are also at record highs in the industry.

IT Services Client Satisfaction – measured as NPS
IT Services NPS Benchmark Bar Graph 2023
Year-Over-Year IT Services Industry NPS
IT Services NPS Benchmark Year Over Year 2023

Insights on 2023 Ratings

Although the IT Services industry decreased their NPS in 2023, it is still one of the highest NPSs this industry has seen since 2011. When ClearlyRated first measured NPS, the IT services industry was at 13% and even decreased 2 points the next year. The industry saw a major increase in 2020 at 38% and has now been over 40%. For reference those wider NPS standards only classify organizations as excellent once they’ve earned a 50% NPS. A 70% NPS would classify them as world-class. What does it look like to have a 70%+ NPS? Consider Starbucks and USAA, recognizable service leaders with an NPS of 77% and 75%, respectively. Then compare them to Comcast, a notorious service laggard, whose clients give them a -25% NPS. As firms achieve better service levels, clients’ expectations will rightfully get higher, meaning any firms that don’t keep up are likely to flounder. Click here to learn more about the NPS methodology.This presents a major opportunity for the IT services industry that capitalizes on their NPS momentum (with the exception of their minor decrease this year), continuing to improve their customer satisfaction and service. Firms that manage to deliver an outstanding CX and earn a high NPS as a result will more easily outshine their competition. Get tips on how to improve your CX based on customer feedback.

How does your service stack up?

The extent to which your firm feels the effects of a slowing economy may depend on the quality of your CX. An NPS survey program can help you measure, track and improve both.If you’re not already leveraging NPS at your firm, we hope you consider this article a call-to-action. Not only do client satisfaction and service quality represent opportunities to differentiate in an increasingly commodified service industry, they are fuel for firm growth. Remember the adage: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure” – and you certainly won’t be able to improve it either. Up against a reluctant firm culture? Get some tips on how to overcome common objections to survey programs to help build buy-in and get started.

Next steps

  • Ready to get started with NPS? Contact the ClearlyRated team for insights, best practices, and a tour of our survey platform (designed specifically to support professional services firms).
Industry Benchmark
5 min read

2023 NPS® Benchmarks for the Legal Industry

Industry Benchmarks
Net Promoter® Score

Discover the latest NPS® benchmarks for the legal industry in ClearlyRated’s annual Industry Benchmark Study, which delves into emerging NPS trends within the legal field.

Law firms, much like other B2B service firms, place significant reliance on client satisfaction and service quality to both retain their clientele and stand out in a competitive landscape. Particularly during economic downturns and industry challenges, the significance of service quality and client satisfaction becomes even more pronounced in determining business success. This partially explains the widespread prioritization of customer experience (CX) by business leaders across various sectors in 2023.To gain a comprehensive understanding of your service's performance year after year, it is imperative to employ a feedback tool that not only collects valuable insights but also simplifies tracking. Moreover, you need a metric that facilitates straightforward comparison with your competitors' performance. This is where the Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) comes into play—a metric that gauges service quality and customer satisfaction. It stands as a leading indicator of revenue retention, growth prospects, and brand distinctiveness.

What is NPS?

Your NPS starts with a single survey question that asks clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to a friend or colleague. The most forward-thinking firms are also asking their employees, hoping to boost their employee experience (EX) too. Responses land on a scale of 0–10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not at all likely. From there, people have the option to offer more specific feedback.To calculate NPS, we subtract the % of detractors (those who respond with a 6 or lower) from the % of promoters (those who respond with 9 or 10).

Why is NPS Uniquely Useful?

NPS offers a standardized measurement to track and report on client satisfaction and service quality—one that can be applied across every level, from the industry as a whole to the brand-level. Each company can also drill down within their organization, including by lines of business, department or account manager. This means that you can compare your firm to others while also pinpointing the shining stars and any areas to improve within your organization. Learn more about how NPS can help drive business growth.

Legal Services NPS in 2023

ClearlyRated’s Annual Industry Benchmark Study includes an industry focus on the legal industry NPS. The 2023 legal industry NPS has increased 5 points from 2022 but decreased 5 points from 2021 landing at 37%. The legal NPS has shifted up and down consistently since 2011, the first year ClearlyRated measured industry satisfaction.

Legal Services Industry Satisfaction – measured as NPS
Legal NPS Benchmark Bar Graph 2023
Year-Over-Year Legal Industry NPS
Legal NPS Benchmark YOY Line Graph 2023

Insights on 2023 Ratings

The legal industry's NPS is down 5 percentage points from 2022, however it has historically had a higher NPS with the exception of 2016-2018 where the NPS was less than 25%. For reference those wider NPS standards only classify organizations as excellent once they’ve earned a 50% NPS. A 70% NPS would classify them as world-class. What does it look like to have a 70%+ NPS? Consider Starbucks and USAA, recognizable service leaders with an NPS of 77% and 75%, respectively. Then compare them to Comcast, a notorious service laggard, whose clients give them a -25% NPS. While the legal industry increased this year, it is still ripe for further progress. And as firms achieve better service levels, clients’ expectations will rightfully get higher, meaning any firms that don’t keep are likely to flounder. Click here to learn more about the NPS methodology.Firms that manage to deliver an outstanding CX and earn a high NPS as a result will more easily outshine their competition. Get tips on how to improve your CX based on customer feedback.

How Does Your Service Stack Up?

The extent to which your firm feels the effects of a slowing economy may depend on the quality of your CX. An NPS survey program can help you measure, track and improve both.If you’re not already leveraging NPS at your firm, we hope you consider this article a call-to-action. Not only do client satisfaction and service quality represent opportunities to differentiate in an increasingly commodified service industry, they are fuel for firm growth. Remember the adage: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure” – and you certainly won’t be able to improve it either. Up against a reluctant firm culture? Get some tips on how to overcome common objections to survey programs to help build buy-in and get started.

Next steps

  • Ready to get started with NPS? Contact the ClearlyRated team for insights, best practices, and a tour of our survey platform (designed specifically to support professional services firms).
Industry Benchmark
5 min read

2023 NPS® Benchmarks for the Insurance Industry

Industry Benchmarks
Net Promoter® Score

Insurance providers, much like other B2B service firms, place significant reliance on client satisfaction and service quality to both retain their clientele and stand out in a competitive landscape. Particularly during economic downturns and industry challenges, the significance of service quality and client satisfaction becomes even more pronounced in determining business success. This partially explains the widespread prioritization of customer experience (CX) by business leaders across various sectors in 2023.To gain a comprehensive understanding of your service's performance year after year, it is imperative to employ a feedback tool that not only collects valuable insights but also simplifies tracking. Moreover, you need a metric that facilitates straightforward comparison with your competitors' performance. This is where the Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) comes into play—a metric that gauges service quality and customer satisfaction. It stands as a leading indicator of revenue retention, growth prospects, and brand distinctiveness.

What is NPS?

Your NPS starts with a single survey question that asks clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to a friend or colleague. The most forward-thinking firms are also asking their employees, hoping to boost their employee experience (EX) too. Responses land on a scale of 0–10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not at all likely. From there, people have the option to offer more specific feedback.To calculate NPS, we subtract the % of detractors (those who respond with a 6 or lower) from the % of promoters (those who respond with 9 or 10).

Why is NPS Uniquely Useful?

NPS offers a standardized measurement to track and report on client satisfaction and service quality—one that can be applied across every level, from the industry as a whole to the brand-level. Each company can also drill down within their organization, including by lines of business, department or account manager. This means that you can compare your firm to others while also pinpointing the shining stars and any areas to improve within your organization. Learn more about how NPS can help drive business growth.

Insurance NPS in 2023

ClearlyRated’s Annual Survey Benchmark Study includes an industry focus on the Insurance industry NPS. The 2023 insurance industry NPS has declined 6 points from 2022, landing at 36%. This decrease comes after last year's benchmark of 42%, which was the highest since ClearlyRated first measured industry satisfaction in 2011. While many drivers of insurance client satisfaction were at or above last year's levels, an increase in the number of Detractors (0-6 out of 10) led to an overall industry NPS decline.

Insurance Industry Satisfaction – measured as NPS
Insurance NPS Benchmark 2023 Bar Graph
Year-Over-Year Insurance Industry NPS
Insurance NPS Benchmarks Year over Year 2023

Insights on 2023 Ratings

The insurance industry's NPS is down 6 percentage points from 2022, however it is still one of the highest NPSs for this industry since 2011. For reference those wider NPS standards only classify organizations as excellent once they’ve earned a 50% NPS. A 70% NPS would classify them as world-class. What does it look like to have a 70%+ NPS? Consider Starbucks and USAA, recognizable service leaders with an NPS of 77% and 75%, respectively. Then compare them to Comcast, a notorious service laggard, whose clients give them a -25% NPS. While the Insurance industry improved this year, we hope this trend continues. And as firms achieve better service levels, clients’ expectations will rightfully get higher, meaning any firms that don’t keep are likely to flounder. Click here to learn more about the NPS methodology.On the other hand, this presents a huge opportunity for the Insurance industry that capitalizes on their NPS momentum year over year (with the exception of 2023 and 2020), continuing to improve their customer satisfaction and service. Firms that manage to deliver an outstanding CX and earn a high NPS as a result will more easily outshine their competition. Get tips on how to improve your CX based on customer feedback.

How does your service stack up?

The extent to which your firm feels the effects of a slowing economy may depend on the quality of your CX. An NPS survey program can help you measure, track and improve both.If you’re not already leveraging NPS at your firm, we hope you consider this article a call-to-action. Not only do client satisfaction and service quality represent opportunities to differentiate in an increasingly commodified service industry, they are fuel for firm growth. Remember the adage: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure” – and you certainly won’t be able to improve it either. Up against a reluctant firm culture? Get some tips on how to overcome common objections to survey programs to help build buy-in and get started.

Next steps

  • Ready to get started with NPS? Contact the ClearlyRated team for insights, best practices, and a tour of our survey platform (designed specifically to support professional services firms).
Industry Benchmark
5 min read

2023 NPS® Benchmarks for the HR Services Industry

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HR service providers, much like other B2B service firms, place significant reliance on client satisfaction and service quality to both retain their clientele and stand out in a competitive landscape. Particularly during economic downturns and industry challenges, the significance of service quality and client satisfaction becomes even more pronounced in determining business success. This partially explains the widespread prioritization of customer experience (CX) by business leaders across various sectors in 2023.To gain a comprehensive understanding of your service's performance year after year, it is imperative to employ a feedback tool that not only collects valuable insights but also simplifies tracking. Moreover, you need a metric that facilitates straightforward comparison with your competitors' performance. This is where the Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) comes into play—a metric that gauges service quality and customer satisfaction. It stands as a leading indicator of revenue retention, growth prospects, and brand distinctiveness.

What is NPS?

Your NPS starts with a single survey question that asks clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to a friend or colleague. The most forward-thinking firms are also asking their employees, hoping to boost their employee experience (EX) too. Responses land on a scale of 0–10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not at all likely. From there, people have the option to offer more specific feedback.To calculate NPS, we subtract the % of detractors (those who respond with a 6 or lower) from the % of promoters (those who respond with 9 or 10). NPS offers standardized measurement and reporting on client satisfaction and service quality that can be applied across the HR services industry as a whole, across different provider types and practice areas (PEO, ASO, HRO, RPO, etc.) at the company-level, and even by client category.

Why is NPS Uniquely Useful?

NPS offers a standardized measurement to track and report on client satisfaction and service quality—one that can be applied across every level, from the industry as a whole to the brand-level. Each company can also drill down within their organization, including by lines of business, department or account manager. This means that you can compare your firm to others while also pinpointing the shining stars and any areas to improve within your organization. Learn more about how NPS can help drive business growth.

HR Services NPS in 2023

ClearlyRated’s Annual Survey Benchmark Study includes an industry focus on HR Services Client NPS—and it’s good news. In 2023, U.S. clients of the HR Services industry reported an NPS score of 46%, a year-over-year (YOY) increase of 9% and the highest NPS the industry has seen since we started benchmarking efforts in 2011. Many drivers of HR Services client satisfaction, such as thoroughly understanding client needs and taking a proactive approach to service, are also at record highs in the industry.

HR Services Client Satisfaction – measured as NPS
HR Services NPS Benchmarks Graph
Year-Over-Year HR Services Industry NPS
HR Services Line Graph Year Over Year

Insights on 2023 Ratings

We’re glad to see the HR Services industry increased their NPS in 2023, a 31 percentage point increase from 2020 and a 38 percentage point increase from 2018. This is a major improvement, especially within an industry that lags compared to global NPS standards. For reference those wider NPS standards only classify organizations as excellent once they’ve earned a 50% NPS. A 70% NPS would classify them as world-class. What does it look like to have a 70%+ NPS? Consider Starbucks and USAA, recognizable service leaders with an NPS of 77% and 75%, respectively. Then compare them to Comcast, a notorious service laggard, whose clients give them a -25% NPS. While the HR Services industry improved this year, it is still ripe for further progress. And as firms achieve better service levels, clients’ expectations will rightfully get higher, meaning any firms that don’t keep are likely to flounder. Click here to learn more about the NPS methodology.On the other hand, this presents a huge opportunity for the HR services industry that capitalizes on their NPS momentum, continuing to improve their customer satisfaction and service. Firms that manage to deliver an outstanding CX and earn a high NPS as a result will more easily outshine their competition. Get tips on how to improve your CX based on customer feedback.

How does your service stack up?

The extent to which your firm feels the effects of a slowing economy may depend on the quality of your CX. An NPS survey program can help you measure, track and improve both.If you’re not already leveraging NPS at your firm, we hope you consider this article a call-to-action. Not only do client satisfaction and service quality represent opportunities to differentiate in an increasingly commodified service industry, they are fuel for firm growth. Remember the adage: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure” – and you certainly won’t be able to improve it either. Up against a reluctant firm culture? Get some tips on how to overcome common objections to survey programs to help build buy-in and get started.

Next steps

  • Ready to get started with NPS? Contact the ClearlyRated team for insights, best practices, and a tour of our survey platform (designed specifically to support professional services firms).
5 min read

NPS® 101 for RPOs

Net Promoter® Score

The original post was updated in October 2023

As an RPO organization, you strive to deliver great service to your clients. And in 2023, your clients have come to expect nothing short of an excellent experience with your company.But, what steps can you take to demonstrate your commitment to your clients and prospects? And how can you leverage the quality of the service you provide to improve reputation and accelerate growth?While there's no single answer to these questions, there are resources that your company can employ to harness client satisfaction for growth. One powerful resource is a single metric known as the Net Promoter® score, or “NPS®” for short.The concept was created by Fred Reichheld at Bain & Company and Satmetrix, and was later introduced as the Net Promoter® Score methodology in 2003 when Reichheld published an article in the Harvard Business Review - 'The One Number You Need to Grow'.

What is NPS? A primer for RPOs

Even if you're not familiar with the concept of NPS, you've likely participated in an NPS survey.The NPS survey methodology asks your clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to a friend or colleague using a numeric scale of 0 - 10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not likely at all. (Sound familiar?)The true power of the NPS methodology lies in reporting. To calculate NPS, responses to the survey question are divided into three categories:

  • Promoters (9-10): Your most loyal, enthusiastic fans. These clients are highly satisfied with your services and are loyal to your company. Promoters represent your strongest allies and are most likely to promote your services to their networks.
  • Passives (7-8): These clients are happy (for now) but demonstrate an indifference to their experience with your firm, and may be tempted by competitors. While not as immediately concerning as Detractors, these clients represent a risk to retention and service reputation. Put frankly, they cannot be expected to be loyal to your company or promote your services to their own networks.
  • Detractors (0-6): Your most at-risk group of clients. Not only are you at risk of losing the business of Detractors, they are also the most likely to share negative feedback to their networks regarding their experience with you.

Your NPS "score" is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. By way of example, ClearlyRated's lifetime NPS score is 84%, which is derived from the 86% of Promoters across our company survey history minus the 2% of Detractors across our company survey history.86% - 2% = 84% NPS. Easy peasy.

What is a 'good' NPS score for RPOs?

When it comes to NPS, you have a few options for determining what constitutes a "good" score for your firm.

  1. Look at global NPS standards - which categorize 50% NPS as "excellent" and 70% NPS as "world class."
  2. Compare your company's NPS against competitors' scores. The 2023 NPS benchmark for HR service providers is 46%. But service leaders (winners of the 2023 Best of RPO award) averaged 70% NPS this year.
  3. Look to service leaders across industries. The chart below shows published NPS scores for brands across industries. You can begin to see how clients of recognizable service leaders like Nordstrom rate their company (75% NPS) versus, say, Comcast - a notorious service laggard - who received a score of -1%.

Why does NPS work?

  • It's simple. Because it's a single metric, NPS is easy to measure, track over time, and use to benchmark your company's client satisfaction and service quality against the rest of the industry.
  • NPS is a data-driven approach relying on insights directly from the client. The concise format of the survey allows you to focus in on the information that really matters while taking the guess-work out of assessing how your clients feel about you.
  • Time is everything (it's short!). People tend to turn and run when they see long surveys. And as much as your clients are ready and willing to provide you with feedback - they are protective of their time.
  • It promotes transparency. By quantifying intangible concepts like client satisfaction and service quality, NPS provides RPOs with a singular metric to weigh performance, set improvement goals, and to rally your team around. When everyone in the organization has a clear understanding of how their behavior can inform NPS, they'll begin to really care about client satisfaction and service quality as a practice and a philosophy.

Next Steps with NPS

  • Ready to get started with NPS? Contact the ClearlyRated team for insights, best practices, and a tour of our survey platform (designed specifically to support professional services firms).
5 min read

NPS® 101 for Insurance Providers

Net Promoter® Score

The original post was updated in October 2023

As an insurance broker or agent, you provide the client service that differentiates a buyer's experience from a commoditized interaction. You strive to consult, support, and provide expertise to your clients - all while delivering an exceptional service experience. And in 2023, your clients have come to expect nothing short of an excellent experience with you and your organization.But, what steps can you take to demonstrate your commitment to your clients and prospects? And how can you leverage the quality of the service you provide to improve company reputation and accelerate growth?While there's no single answer to these questions, there are resources that your organization can employ to harness client satisfaction for growth. One powerful resource is a single metric known as the Net Promoter® Score, or “NPS®” for short.The concept was created by Fred Reichheld at Bain & Company and Satmetrix, and was later introduced as the Net Promoter® Score methodology in 2003 when Fred published an article in the Harvard Business Review - 'The One Number You Need to Grow'.

What is NPS? A primer for insurance providers

Even if you're not familiar with the concept of NPS, you've likely participated in an NPS survey.The NPS survey methodology asks your clients how likely they are to recommend your company to a friend or colleague using a numeric scale of 0 - 10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not likely at all. (Sound familiar?)The true power of the NPS methodology lies in reporting. To calculate NPS, responses to the survey question are divided into three categories:

  • Promoters (9-10): Your most loyal, enthusiastic fans. These clients are highly satisfied with your services and are loyal to your organization. Promoters represent your strongest allies and are most likely to promote you to their networks.
  • Passives (7-8): These clients are happy (for now) but demonstrate an indifference to their experience with you, and may consider taking their business to your competitors. While not as immediately concerning as detractors, these clients represent a risk to retention and company reputation. Put frankly, they cannot be expected to be loyal to your organization or promote your services to their own networks.
  • Detractors (0-6): Your most at-risk group of clients. Not only are you at risk of losing the business of detractors, they are also the most likely to share negative feedback to their networks regarding their experience with you.

Your firm's NPS "score" is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. By way of example, ClearlyRated's lifetime NPS score is 84%, which is derived from the 86% of promoters across our company survey history minus the 2% detractors across our company survey history.86% - 2% = 84% NPS. Easy peasy.

What is a 'good' NPS score for an insurance provider?

When it comes to NPS, you have a few options for determining what constitutes a "good" score for your company.

  1. Look at global NPS standards - which categorize 50% NPS as "excellent" and 70% NPS as "world class."
  2. Compare your firm's NPS against competitors' scores. The 2023 Insurance Industry NPS Benchmark is 36%. But service leaders (winners of the 2023 Best of Insurance award) averaged 81% NPS this year.
  3. Look to service leaders across industries. The chart below shows published NPS scores for brands across industries. You can begin to see how clients of recognizable service leaders like Nordstrom rate their company (75% NPS) versus, say, Comcast - a notorious service laggard - who received a score of -1%.

Why does NPS work?

  • It's simple. Because it's a single metric, NPS is easy to measure, track over time, and use to benchmark your organization's client satisfaction and service quality against the rest of the industry.
  • NPS is a data-driven approach relying on insights directly from the client. The concise format of the survey allows you to focus in on the information that really matters while taking the guess-work out of assessing how your clients feel about you.
  • Time is everything (it's short!). People tend to turn and run when they see long surveys. And as much as your clients are ready and willing to provide you with feedback - they are protective of their time.
  • It promotes transparency. By quantifying intangible concepts like client satisfaction and service quality, NPS provides insurance brokers and agents with a singular metric to weigh performance, set improvement goals, and to rally the team around. When everyone in the organization has a clear understanding of how their behavior can inform NPS, they'll begin to obsess over client satisfaction and service quality as a practice and a philosophy.

Next Steps with NPS

5 min read

NPS® 101 for HR Service Providers

Net Promoter® Score

The original post was updated in October 2023

As a provider of outsourced HR services (like a PEO, ASP, HRO, or RPO) you strive to deliver great service to your business clients. And in 2023, your clients have come to expect nothing short of an excellent experience with your company.But, what steps can you take to demonstrate your commitment to your clients and prospects? And how can you leverage the quality of the service you provide to improve reputation and accelerate growth?While there's no single answer to these questions, there are resources that your company can employ to harness client satisfaction for growth. One powerful resource is a single metric known as the Net Promoter® score, or “NPS®” for short.The concept was created by Fred Reichheld at Bain & Company and Satmetrix, and was later introduced as the Net Promoter® Score methodology in 2003 when Reichheld published an article in the Harvard Business Review - 'The One Number You Need to Grow'.

What is NPS? A primer for HR service providers

Even if you're not familiar with the concept of NPS, you've likely participated in an NPS survey.The NPS survey methodology asks your clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to a friend or colleague using a numeric scale of 0 - 10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not likely at all. (Sound familiar?)The true power of the NPS methodology lies in reporting. To calculate NPS, responses to the survey question are divided into three categories:

  • Promoters (9-10): Your most loyal, enthusiastic fans. These clients are highly satisfied with your services and are loyal to your company. Promoters represent your strongest allies and are most likely to promote your services to their networks.
  • Passives (7-8): These clients are happy (for now) but demonstrate an indifference to their experience with your firm, and may be tempted by competitors. While not as immediately concerning as detractors, these clients represent a risk to retention and service reputation. Put frankly, they cannot be expected to be loyal to your company or promote your services to their own networks.
  • Detractors (0-6): Your most at-risk group of clients. Not only are you at risk of losing the business of detractors, they are also the most likely to share negative feedback to their networks regarding their experience with you.

Your NPS "score" is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. By way of example, ClearlyRated's lifetime NPS score is 84%, which is derived from the 86% of promoters across our company survey history minus the 2% of detractors across our company survey history.86% - 2% = 84% NPS. Easy peasy.

What is a 'good' NPS score for HR service providers?

When it comes to NPS, you have a few options for determining what constitutes a "good" score for your firm.

  1. Look at global NPS standards - which categorize 50% NPS as "excellent" and 70% NPS as "world class."
  2. Compare your company's NPS against competitors' scores. The 2023 NPS benchmark for HR service providers is 46%. But service leaders (winners of the 2023 Best of HR Services award) averaged 74% NPS this year.
  3. Look to service leaders across industries. The chart below shows published NPS scores for brands across industries. You can begin to see how clients of recognizable service leaders like Nordstrom rate their company (75% NPS) versus, say, Comcast - a notorious service laggard - who received a score of -1%.

Why does NPS work?

  • It's simple. Because it's a single metric, NPS is easy to measure, track over time, and use to benchmark your company's client satisfaction and service quality against the rest of the industry.
  • NPS is a data-driven approach relying on insights directly from the client. The concise format of the survey allows you to focus in on the information that really matters while taking the guess-work out of assessing how your clients feel about you.
  • Time is everything (it's short!). People tend to turn and run when they see long surveys. And as much as your clients are ready and willing to provide you with feedback - they are protective of their time.
  • It promotes transparency. By quantifying intangible concepts like client satisfaction and service quality, NPS provides HR service firms with a singular metric to weigh performance, set improvement goals, and to rally your team around. When everyone in the organization has a clear understanding of how their behavior can inform NPS, they'll begin to obsess over client satisfaction and service quality as a practice and a philosophy.

Next Steps with NPS

  • Ready to get started with NPS? Contact the ClearlyRated team for insights, best practices, and a tour of our survey platform (designed specifically to support professional services firms).
5 min read

NPS® 101 for Law Firms

Net Promoter® Score

The original post was updated in October 2023

As a lawyer or legal practice administrator, you strive to deliver great service to your clients. And in 2023, your clients have come to expect nothing short of an excellent experience with your firm.But, what steps can you take to demonstrate your commitment to your clients and prospects? And how can you leverage the quality of the service you provide to improve firm reputation and accelerate growth?While there's no single answer to these questions, there are resources that your firm can employ to harness client satisfaction for growth. One powerful resource is a single metric known as the Net Promoter® Score, or “NPS®” for short.The concept was created by Fred Reichheld at Bain & Company and Satmetrix, and was later introduced as the Net Promoter® Score methodology in 2003 when Fred published an article in the Harvard Business Review - 'The One Number You Need to Grow'.

What is NPS? A primer for law firms

Even if you're not familiar with the concept of NPS, you've likely participated in an NPS survey.The NPS survey methodology asks your clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to a friend or colleague using a numeric scale of 0 - 10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not likely at all. (Sound familiar?)The true power of the NPS methodology lies in reporting. To calculate NPS, responses to the survey question are divided into three categories:

  • Promoters (9-10): Your most loyal, enthusiastic fans. These clients are highly satisfied with your services and are loyal to your firm. Promoters represent your strongest allies and are most likely to promote your firm to their networks.
  • Passives (7-8): These clients are happy (for now) but demonstrate an indifference to their experience with your firm, and may consider taking their business to your competitors. While not as immediately concerning as detractors, these clients represent a risk to retention and firm reputation. Put frankly, they cannot be expected to be loyal to your firm or promote your services to their own networks.
  • Detractors (0-6): Your most at-risk group of clients. Not only are you at risk of losing the business of detractors, they are also the most likely to share negative feedback to their networks regarding their experience with you.

Your firm's NPS "score" is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. By way of example, ClearlyRated's lifetime NPS score is 84%, which is derived from the 86% of promoters across our company survey history minus the 2% detractors across our company survey history.86% - 2% = 84% NPS. Easy peasy.

What is a 'good' NPS score for a law firm?

When it comes to NPS, you have a few options for determining what constitutes a "good" score for your firm.

  1. Look at global NPS standards - which categorize 50% NPS as "excellent" and 70% NPS as "world-class."
  2. Compare your firm's NPS against competitors' scores. The 2023 Legal Industry NPS Benchmark is 37%. But service leaders (winners of the 2023 Best of Legal award) averaged 80% NPS this year.
  3. Look to service leaders across industries. The chart below shows published NPS scores for brands across industries. You can begin to see how clients of recognizable service leaders like Nordstrom rate their company (75% NPS) versus, say, Comcast - a notorious service laggard - who received a score of -1%.

Why does NPS work?

  • It's simple. Because it's a single metric, NPS is easy to measure, track over time, and use to benchmark your firm's client satisfaction and service quality against the rest of the industry.
  • NPS is a data-driven approach relying on insights directly from the client. The concise format of the survey allows you to focus in on the information that really matters while taking the guess-work out of assessing how your clients feel about you.
  • Time is everything (it's short!). People tend to turn and run when they see long surveys. And as much as your clients are ready and willing to provide you with feedback - they are protective of their time.
  • It promotes transparency. By quantifying intangible concepts like client satisfaction and service quality, NPS provides law firms and legal practice administrators with a singular metric to weigh performance, set improvement goals, and to rally the team around. When everyone in the organization has a clear understanding of how their behavior can inform NPS, they'll begin to obsess over client satisfaction and service quality as a practice and a philosophy.

Next Steps with NPS

5 min read

NPS® 101 for Staffing and Recruiting Firms

Net Promoter® Score

The original post was updated in October 2023.

As a staffing provider, you strive to deliver great service to your clients and candidates. And in 2023, these stakeholders have come to expect nothing short of an excellent experience with your firm.But, what steps can you take to demonstrate your commitment to your clients and talent? And how can you leverage the quality of the service you provide to improve firm reputation and accelerate growth?While there's no single answer to these questions, there are resources that your firm can employ to harness client satisfaction for growth. One powerful resource is a single metric known as the Net Promoter® score, or “NPS®” for short.The concept was created by Fred Reichheld at Bain & Company and Satmetrix, and was later introduced as the Net Promoter® Score methodology in 2003 when Fred published an article in the Harvard Business Review - 'The One Number You Need to Grow'.

What is NPS? A primer for staffing firms

Even if you're not familiar with the concept of NPS, you've likely participated in an NPS survey.The NPS survey methodology asks your clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to a friend or colleague using a numeric scale of 0 - 10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not likely at all. (Sound familiar?)The true power of the NPS methodology lies in reporting. To calculate NPS, responses to the survey question are divided into three categories:

  • Promoters (9-10): Your most loyal, enthusiastic fans. These clients are highly satisfied with your services and are loyal to your firm. Promoters represent your strongest allies and are most likely to promote your firm to their networks.
  • Passives (7-8): These clients are happy (for now) but demonstrate an indifference to their experience with your firm, and may be tempted by competitors. While not as immediately concerning as detractors, these clients represent a risk to retention and firm reputation. Put frankly, they cannot be expected to be loyal to your firm or promote your services to their own networks.
  • Detractors (0-6): Your most at-risk group of clients. Not only are you at risk of losing the business of detractors, they are also the most likely to share negative feedback to their networks regarding their experience with you.

Your firm's NPS "score" is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. By way of example, ClearlyRated's lifetime NPS score is 84%, which is derived from the 86% of promoters across our company survey history minus the 2% detractors across our company survey history.86% - 2% = 84% NPS. Easy peasy.

What is a 'good' NPS score for a staffing firm?

When it comes to NPS, you have a few options for determining what constitutes a "good" score for your firm.

  1. Look at global NPS standards - which categorize 50% NPS as "excellent" and 70% NPS as "world-class."
  2. Compare your firm's NPS against competitors' scores. The Current Staffing Industry NPS Benchmarks are 36% (when rated by clients) and 30% (when rated by placed talent - an all time high since 2013). But service leaders (winners of the 2023 Best of Staffing award) averaged NPS scores of 77% from their clients and 73% from their talent this year.
  3. Look to service leaders across industries. The chart below shows published NPS scores for brands across industries. You can begin to see how clients of recognizable service leaders like Nordstrom rate their company (75% NPS) versus, say, Comcast - a notorious service laggard - who received a score of -1%.

Why does NPS work?

  1. It's simple. Because it's a single metric, NPS is easy to measure, track over time, and use to benchmark your firm's client satisfaction, talent satisfaction, and service quality against the rest of the industry.
  2. NPS is a data-driven approach relying on insights directly from your clients and placed candidates. The concise format of the survey allows you to focus in on the information that really matters while taking the guess-work out of assessing how your key stakeholders feel about you.
  3. Time is everything (it's short!). People tend to turn and run when they see long surveys. And as much as your clients are ready and willing to provide you with feedback - they are protective of their time.
  4. It promotes transparency. By quantifying intangible concepts like client satisfaction, talent satisfaction, and service quality, NPS provides staffing and recruiting firms with a singular metric to weigh performance, set improvement goals, and to rally the team around. When everyone in the organization has a clear understanding of how their behavior can inform NPS, they'll begin to obsess over client satisfaction, talent satisfaction, and service quality as a practice and a philosophy.

Next Steps with NPS

5 min read

NPS® 101 for Accounting Firms

Net Promoter® Score

The original post was updated in October 2023 As an accounting service provider, you strive to deliver great service to your clients. And in 2023, your clients have come to expect nothing short of an excellent experience with your firm.But, what steps can you take to demonstrate your commitment to your clients and prospects? And how can you leverage the quality of the service you provide to improve firm reputation and accelerate growth?While there's no single answer to these questions, there are resources that your firm can employ to harness client satisfaction for growth. One powerful resource is a single metric known as the Net Promoter® score, or “NPS®” for short.The concept was created by Fred Reichheld at Bain & Company and Satmetrix, and was later introduced as the Net Promoter® Score methodology in 2003 when Fred published an article in the Harvard Business Review - 'The one Number You Need to Grow'.

What is NPS? A primer for accounting firms

Even if you're not familiar with the concept of NPS, you've likely participated in an NPS survey.The NPS survey methodology asks your clients how likely they are to recommend your firm to a friend or colleague using a numeric scale of 0 - 10, ten being extremely likely and zero being not likely at all. (Sound familiar?)The true power of the NPS methodology lies in reporting. To calculate NPS, responses to the survey question are divided into three categories:

  • Promoters (9-10): Your most loyal, enthusiastic fans. These clients are highly satisfied with your services and are loyal to your firm. Promoters represent your strongest allies and are most likely to promote your firm to their networks.
  • Passives (7-8): These clients are happy (for now) but demonstrate an indifference to their experience with your firm, and may be tempted by competitors. While not as immediately concerning as detractors, these clients represent a risk to retention and firm reputation. Put frankly, they cannot be expected to be loyal to your firm or promote your services to their own networks.
  • Detractors (0-6): Your most at-risk group of clients. Not only are you at risk of losing the business of detractors, they are also the most likely to share negative feedback to their networks regarding their experience with you.

Your firm's NPS "score" is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. By way of example, ClearlyRated's lifetime NPS score is 84%, which is derived from the 86% of promoters across our company survey history minus the 2% detractors across our company survey history. 86% - 2% = 84% NPS. Easy peasy.

What is a 'good' NPS score for an accounting firm?

When it comes to NPS, you have a few options for determining what constitutes a "good" score for your firm.

  1. Look at global NPS standards - which categorize 50% NPS as "excellent" and 70% NPS as "world class."
  2. Compare your firm's NPS against competitors' scores. The 2023 Accounting Industry NPS Benchmark is 41%. But service leaders (winners of the 2023 Best of Accounting award) averaged 81% NPS this year.
  3. Look to service leaders across industries. The chart below shows published NPS scores for brands across industries. You can begin to see how clients of recognizable service leaders like Nordstrom rate their company (75% NPS) versus, say, Comcast - a notorious service laggard - who received a score of -1%.

Why does NPS work?

  • It's simple. Because it's a single metric, NPS is easy to measure, track over time, and use to benchmark your firm's client satisfaction and service quality against the rest of the industry.
  • NPS is a data-driven approach relying on insights directly from the client. The concise format of the survey allows you to focus in on the information that really matters while taking the guess-work out of assessing how your clients feel about you.
  • Time is everything (it's short!). People tend to turn and run when they see long surveys. And as much as your clients are ready and willing to provide with you feedback - they are protective of their time.
  • It promotes transparency. By quantifying intangible concepts like client satisfaction and service quality, NPS provides accounting firms with a singular metric to weigh performance, set improvement goals, and to rally the team around. When everyone in the organization has a clear understanding of how their behavior can inform NPS, they'll begin to obsess over client satisfaction and service quality as a practice and a philosophy.

Next Steps with NPS

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